
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beber Layar

CD Release date: 17th January 2006.
This recording features the Degung RRI, Bandung, playing Sundanese (West Java/Indonesia) music.
Performers: RRI Bandung Gamelan Degung
Leader:E. Tjarmed,
Vocals: Iwik Suwarsih, Tjitjih Rukaesih, Munah Suryamah, Eros Rosita.
Lokananta cassette ACD 042 was issued on 22 November ,1973

1. Beber Layar: 7.56

Featuring Rampak Sekar = choral singing
Beber Layar can be translated as “raising the sails” as the ship moves out into the ocean to begin its voyage. The sail is raised and the wind fills it and the ship is now sailing between the islands.
As is often the case the ship runs into turbulent seas and the waves make the journey uncomfortable. The sailors say they cannot complain as this is the way of life they have chosen for themselves.
The people on the shore see the ship silhouetted against the setting sun and admire its beauty
from afar.

Note: Rampak Sekar = choral singing - This is not usually featured in Sundanese singing and may be the result of Sundanese women being organised into “Dharma Wanita” or women’s groups within a government organization.

2. Layung Sari: 7.09

Layung Sari is a rainbow.
This song tells a story about the greatness of God. The rainbow shines on the area of Pasundan - the area of Bandung. God in his greatness sends beauty through the rainbow to enhance the women of Bandung (Sunda) and the culture of the area. The Sundanese women/wives and the Sundanese music and dance get their beauty from God.

3. Ladrak: 5:44
Anggana Sekar : Solo singing
Ladrak translates simply as noise.
This song hopes to stir people who are complacent into doing something for themselves and therefore for their nation. Instead of just sitting around these people can become productive.
The world will become a place where the cost of living is reasonable and everyone is happy.
4. Paksi Tuwung: 6 .41
Eros Roswita & Iwik Suwarsih (vocal)
Anggana sekar = Solo
A bird in the drylands.

Living in Sunda is healthy and fragrant. Palawija is sweet potato and sugar cane. It looks good as it grows. It is green, oh so green.

5.Cirebonan – cirebonan gancang: 8.14

Anggana Sekar = Solo
Tjitjih Rukaesih, Eros Roswita & Iwik Suwarsih (vocal)
“Don’t sit and daydream all the time”. Get up and do something even if it is a bit naughty. We must feel sorry for a child if it cannot play and be active.
This type of Cirebon tune has become standard Sundanese music. It is not performed this way in Cirebon. The tune is performed 16 times and the last four are very much faster known as cirebonan – cirebonan gancang. The slow version is classic Degung. There are many of these Cirebonan and they cover many topics. They are popular Sunda Degung pieces

6.Kembang Kapas: 5.48

Iwik Suwarsih (female vocal). Ada penyanyi laki-laki.
The title translates as “The flower of the kapok tree”.
The song asks for help from God so that this couple’s health will remain good. The husband and wife are very much dependant on each other and ask for God’s help in maintaining their health.
This is also a cirebonan-cirebonan piece.

7.Gambir Sawit: 10.00

A story of Purwakata – Siliwangi
This story set at the time of the reign of Prabu Siliwangi. At that time his kingdom was great.
Now there is only a small reminder of that greatness written on a rock in Bogor. The song asks how we can read what is written on that rock?
The second part of the song is an improvisation which conjures up images of how life may have been in the time of that great empire.

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